Monday, November 24, 2003

so here i am reading some article about whether the universe will contract after expanding or just explode or something. and there were two guys, one said it would start contracting and the other said it wouldn't. am i the only one that it bothers that both guys are readily assuming that the expansion of the universe is fact and true even beyond that!? i mean first of all how could we POSSIBLY observe the expansion of the entire universe? here's my theory if the ENTIRE inviverse is expanding, meaning all matter, then wouldn't earth be subject to that expansion? and if so wouldn't that make our instruments subject to that expansion? and if so wouldn't that make our ability to observe said expansion a bit difficult? even if say there was a delay of reaction from many light years to earth, would it matter since we have been subject to this delayed reaction for at least thousands of years? ok so say we aren't all subject to this expansion... maybe the expansion spoken of is just of preexisting celestial bodies moving away from one another. how are we observing this activity diplomatically? aren't all forms of radiation subject to gravitaional pull? we have scientists speaking of the very singularities, which are great enough in mass to redirect radiation completely away from us, as key players in the activity of celestial bodies of the universe. well aren't these same singularities (as well as other high mass bodies) distorting our view of reality out there? sure we can calculate coordinates based on regular relative motion of bodies but what about the "fact" that these "light suckers" themselves are in motion as well as other constant changes in gravitational feild traversing our view of the universe at any given point (remember we are in constant motion as well). if this is what the "expansion of the universe" is supposed to be (simple motion of celestial bodies) it just doesn't seem to be a great enough force to change the direction of time. from where i stand we are staring out into space through billions of dollars of warped glass. i think it's great to ramanticise about science and it's implications on human life, but why take a mile on half ass theories with more half ass theories. i think it's important as a scientist and as a theist to keep your eyes open to what can't be denied. if you want to get romantic, get intimate with the things you know to be true. let people decide whether our everyday discoveries are relevant, and interesting. i'm tired of rabbit trails on unfounded data. let people fall in love with what's tangible not some pipe dream that has the potential to become unreliable. it's these very actions that are leading our conversations into oblivion. talk about something real... or at least acknowledge the fragility of your foundation.